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  on Dec 17 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 17

If you are running Linux as well as Windows. My question, is why are you using
the internet using Windows? Linux is far more secure than surfing with Windows.
I know people who only use Linux/Unix for Internet and Email purposes only.
Just to prevent the nasties coming in.
As for 64 bit Kernels using Windows or Linux. It is the catch up game for the
software to developed around that structure. It is like 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit,
and now 64 bit. It is going to take time. I use to work in the computer chip
manufacturing biz. It use to be to wait for the software companies to catch
their breath. Wait for the RD of the software to catch up before introducing the
new mouse trap. It use to be govern what software was out there.
Well, the chip makers are tired of that game. Thus making the S>W companies to
speed up. Mainly why is very simple. Servers! If you are in the internet server
biz you want the fastest processor out there to provide to your customers
