You are correct, I didn't make a separate home partition. I was a total novice
at the time. Like yours, my old laptop has only a 40 gig drive. I'm looking at
the site for GPARTED right now. Could I set up a partition, install Ubuntu
10.00, get everything working and then delete the Ubuntu 10.04 partition? The
only things I've installed are GIMP which I haven't/probably won't use and
Google's Chrome browser which is my favorite browser. I have almost no files on
the laptop, I'm all browser/online based with this machine. I do keep it updated
every few days.
What do you think about just doing a clean install from the Ubuntu 10.10 CD and
then download whatever might be needed at that time.
BTW, thanks for all your good help in your reply, I should be able to make a go
of it. However, if anyone else can share tidbits with me as well, I'm all ears
and eyes.