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  on Feb 05 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Feb 05

Apologies for being so obscure in details. However, I am not using the same pc
as the one on which I am installing gentoo, so, did not know how to copy paste
the results. I installed xorg-x11. I have read all the documentation, and I
think its gnome howto is slightly incomplete. Anyways, I have solved the problem
somehow!!!), I read the error message more closely and it was complaining about
sqlite. So, I added sqlite and quite a few extra things in my use flags
(make.conf) and "emerge gnome" command worked. I still have to setup wireless
using wpa_supplicant, so once I get gnome desktop environment working, I will
move on to wireless.

You are right gentoo is so hard to install and definitely a great learning
curve. I hope it makes my pc faster. I guess if I have to install gentoo the
second time, it would make more sense.I have tried sending this message three
times, but it keeps on saying that the message can not be delivered. Can someone
please explain?



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