OK.. it sounds like you want to add the the first row to the end of each
subsequent row
until there is a break, then do the same for the next set.
I threw together this:
Option Explicit
Sub Hdr_Copy()
Dim Last_Row, CurRow, HdrRow, inx
Dim HdrArray(10)
Last_Row = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
HdrRow = 1
inx = 0
For CurRow = 1 To Last_Row
If (Cells(CurRow, 1) <> "") Then
If (CurRow = HdrRow) Then
HdrArray(0) = CurRow
For inx = 1 To 8
HdrArray(inx) = Cells(CurRow, inx)
Next inx
For inx = 1 To 8
Cells(CurRow, inx + 15) = HdrArray(inx)
Next inx
End If
HdrRow = CurRow + 1
For inx = 0 To 9
HdrArray(inx) = ""
Next inx
End If
Next CurRow
End Sub
It makes the assumptions that A) the header row has (8) cells, and B) the data
rows each have (15) fields.
Is that what you're looking for?