Thanks for the reply, but it does not address my problem. When I
pasted your formula on a row where the server's OS is listed as "
dead" the results returned candidate not dead as expected.
Perhaps I am not clear in my explanation so bear with me as I try
this again.
Cell AD2 should contains the OS, but if we could not collect data
we have listed one of two reasons : Permission Denied or DEAD. If
either of these conditions are present then (AE2,AF2 and AN2 will
contain zeros . Once the first if statement is evaluated against the
zeros the result will always show as Candidate.
I need to account for the absent collection as well as determine if
the server meets the other criterion. Which is why I wanted to
incorporate the OR argument as well. As I had stated in my
original mail, the way I formatted the OR argument was terribly
wrong ,but I didn't know how to incorporate it with the other
arguments and would like some guidance ( pretty please, with sugar
on top).
In reading your reply I understand it to mean That I must have
more than One logical parameter with an OR argument.
Using the first formula >>>>> =IF(AND
(AE2<=2,AF2<=4000,AN2<150),"Candidate","Not Candidate")
What do I need to add to test for Permission Denied or DEAD in cell
AD2 then return "some text" to show that the collection failed,
but if the collection did not fail then evaluate
AE2<=2,AF2<=4000,AN2<150 it this evaluates to true then candidate
if any evaluates to false then not candidate.
Should this be a if then else statement instead.