But my problem is slightly different.
Let me explain it.
See there is a Macro already written which is connecting to the
Database to run a function returning a Recordset. Using this
RecordSet the excel is populated with columns as Headings and some
columns has some formulas written.
Now after all this is done I want to call a function which will add
a column called total and display the records as shown in my earlier
post. I will have to select the columns name , range and create a
formula for TotAmount.
For Example : Present Macro has some code which looks like the
oRPT = WorkSheet
ThisName = RNAMECumRRBilled
oRPT.Range(oRPT.Cells(Range(ThisName).Row, Range
(ThisName).Column), oRPT.Cells(Range(ThisName).Row + RowsIn, Range
I don't understand what formula is it creating for this column and
how is it creating.