I tried just using the navigation buttons across the tabs on the
multipage form by just calling the sub/function with new command
button and a click event... but this resulted in errors
(mostly undeclared sub/functions). I had thought that I could setup
the navigation buttons at the bottom of the multipage form and then
use them across the 3 tabs I planned on creating... but I didn't know
if that required specific programming or setup.
I assume that as long as I setup the navigation buttons on the bottom
of the mutlipage form, I can then just identify the work sheet I am
using so that the buttons navigate the same no matter what worksheet
I am currently in... (I assume as long as I activate the correct
worksheet via the change tab event, right?) I also assume that for
the command buttons that add/save/cancel save for each worksheet that
I will need specific coding for those functions to work
appropriately, is this correct?
I really appreciate your assistance on this...