Are you sure this is what you want. It isn't moving the formulas one cell down.
It is lengthening DAN and shortening BOB and JIM. This is not the same thing at
all and is also harder to do.
If you simply want to move the formula once cell down - i.e. C25:C111 becomes
C26:C112, then you could offset your original formula by an amount, using the
Offset range function (see the help for information on this).
There is a non-VBA of doing this that might be more appropriate. E.g., I have a
column of numbers in Column A from 1 down, and in E8 I have the row number that
is to be the bottom of my sum. Then:
Or, for your three - assuming E8 has 112 in it:
=NPV(G63/12,INDIRECT("$D$" & E16 & ":$D$183"))
=SUM(INDIRECT("C25:C" & (E16 - 1)))
=SUM(INDIRECT("D" & E16 & ":D183"))
Any reason why your first formula has $ anchors on the range while the third
does not (with an identical range)?