Unfortunally this isn't the solution either. There's only one public
class definition in each file and the files are indeed named the same
as the class definition. I also have just one java jdk edition
installed so conflicts in that area are also ruled out.
Maybe it helps if I post the way javac is called:
> /java/jdk1.1.8/bin/javac -J-mx64m -
classpath ".;../external_classes;../../pjava/build/tm/classes;../java_
classes" -d ../java_classes `cat .filelistaa`
Again one of the errors:
> ./bali/appsignalling/AIT.java:26: public class
bali.appsignalling.AIT must be defined in a file called "AIT.java".
> public class AIT
> ^
So I'm standing in dir "." then call make and it starts with "
javac <all the above arguments> ./bali/appsignalling/AIT.java" and
then produces the above error.
I'm still in the dark about this, it is as if it compiles file x and
then can't find file x.