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What is it called in Excel...

  Asked By: Steven    Date: Nov 26    Category: MS Office    Views: 636

What is it called in Excel when you click on a row and the rows beneath
it, or associated with it, "appear" or "expand"? It is something like
an outline with topics and subtopics... Sorry, I have seen it but don't
know what it is called... Where can I find information re: setting this
up in Excel?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Uma 1985     Answered On: Nov 26

depending what you mean:

- Drop down menus in Excel lists: go to online help, search for 'list' choose
'Create an Excel list' or 'Lists I: How to use lists in Excel 2003'

- Drop down list to choose from given options when editing or filling in data in
a worksheet: write in a place in your workbook the values you want the user to
be able to choose from, (later you could hide that row  or column), select the
cell or range where you want to create this dropdown list. goto:
Data>Validation>Settings --> Allow: List
--> Source: choose that range where you have the different options listed. The
functions of the other options on this form are easy to guess. Sorry didn't find
helpfile on this.

Answer #2    Answered By: Angelina Gardner     Answered On: Nov 26

Look under menu item > Data > Group and Outline.

Depending on your specific needs, a variation of that is under menu
item > Data > Subtotals.

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