>http://www.thejavatutorial.com (I think) is the same as the tutorals on
The java Tutorial? Hey, i've been there.
>Some good books for me when I was a novice coder was Sams: Java in 24
>hours. It doesn't last long after basic coding though. Some people on
>this list and in #java channles on IRC don't like Sams, I don't know why .
What is thgis "Sams"?
>You need a basic text editor, and the Java SDK (latest full release).
>Then follow the first tutes.
That some kind of program?
Where i get it and how much memory it takes?
>Wow, that is a realy large question. Bare with me on this, if you don't
>understand reply with what doesn't work and I will see if I can make it
I hope i understand...
>> You mean massive about of players/users? Not necessarily.
>Massivly Multiplayer as in Everquest http://www.everquest.com
Hmmm, i gotta go check it out! Anyway, could nice to play Multiplayer on web
with friends and challenge them.
Oh, and there's one i visit almost every weekday... a FLASH multiplayer game