I know this may be a stupid question, but I have to ask anyway.(this
may add the stupidity...)
I created two new workbooks - book2 and book3. The inital active
workbook is book2. F2 is actually an empty cell and Column A can C
are populated.
I pressed Ctrl+A -> Ctrl+C -> go to books ->Ctrol+V.And then Alt+F11.
The operation went well. I chose everything on that activesheet of
workbook2 adn then copied it to book3.
When I Alt+F11, I can't see where is "Ctrl+A". I was expecting
something between <Range("F2").Activate> and <Selection.Copy>. For
me, it looks like the code will only copy F2, but in fact, it chose
the whole sheet and made copy of it.
Then, where is Ctrl+A?
Below is the recorded macro.
Sub Macro2()
End Sub