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  Question Asked By: Joao Silva   on Jun 17 In Asp.net Category.

Question Answered By: Kifah Malik   on Jun 17

What this effectively means now (I think) is that we can wrap up images  in resource assemblies and access them as urls (with a bit of work)

I can't thank you enough, that ones been in the back  of my mind for a long long time.

Will keep an eye open for httphandlers/info from now on.

And your right about info, at the sort  of level I'm getting to the info's getting scarcer. I have 1Gb of MSDN.NET on my pc's and it's just a load of definitive, shallow, brush over the surface hogwash which you cannot understand unless it's strung together in some sort of example  so you can see how it works. I keep expecting examples  but there's hardly any .... streams is a good one, lots of definitions and loads of members but how the bollox do you use them ????
Oh .... and the only wishy washy examples in framwork are for FileStream - every bl**dy one of them, I want a mem stream  - and a mem font aswell.

I mean - take a look at Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("developalogo.bmp");

Would anyone ever think of looking at Assembly to get to an image  ???? I'd never even heard of it till that turned up. You can imaging trying to figure  out how to use that from MSDN, you know, if someone said - oh yes, use Assembly. You'de be there till your hair fell out trying to find  it.

If I had the money it's about now I'd go out and buy meslef a great big, thick, fat, expensive book, that would put the bible to shame.

Till that day, I'll keep on foreaging around for snippets worthy of my attention.

What decompiler did you get - wasn't ummmm, anakrino was it ? I want one that spit sit all out into a file ... all of the freebies keep in inside and let you peek at one class at a time. Balls to that, simply can't see whats happening or what your looking for, not worth the time  spent doing it.

And to tell the truth, I "STILL" feel like I'm letting myself down for not going lock stock and barrel for unmanged C++. There's so much hype and big biz and competition and the flaming web  that quality seems to be of little importance now. And at the end  of the day  MS or IBM will just step in and clean up on anything worth a sod anyway ... take a look at greatplains.com or axapta .... there goes any chance of moving out of anything but small time. Any mid sized company would HAVE to get the MS gear in at that level ...and who'd blame them ?



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