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Forum updates on "if you issue the commit command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the rollback com"

Six Common Enterprise Programming Mistakes
Instead of giving you tips to use in your programming (at leastdirectly), I want to look at some c...
Deadly Dual-Boot install mistake
My dual-boot machine has gone through some changes,as all of the hardware doesn't seem to work wit...
10 Common mistakes to Avoid When You're installing Linux software
Another useful bog:blogs.techrepublic.com.com/.../?p=338&tag=nl.e550
unity a mistake
i think unity was a mistake i have been using ubuntu for a long time but now ihave to find a light...
Discover line and columm that I selected
I´ve a little doubt when I try to discover the position that I selected in mysheet, for example ...
Discover number format
I would like if is possible to discover the format number ?In this example I don´t get to conver...
Discover Cell Background Color
I want to discover the backgound color of a cell and then take someaction depending upon the color...
help -running commands on command prompt
,i want to compile and run my java program/classes from commandprompt of windows through my progra...
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Article updates on "if you issue the commit command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the rollback com"

Shell Script to find out the sum of the given numbers using command line argument
Write a Shell Script to find out the sum of the given numbers using command line argument.
Write a shell script to find the average of the numbers entered in command line
Write a shell script to find the average of the numbers entered in command line
Explain the command, which work as spelling checker?
Explain the command, which work as spelling checker?
Which command given information of present working directory?
Which command given information of present working directory?
Write a shell scripts which works similar to the Unix commands Head Tail
Write a shell scripts which works similar to the Unix commands Head Tail
Which command display version of the UNIX?
Which command display version of the UNIX?
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Video updates on "if you issue the commit command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the rollback com"

Interview FAQ updates on "if you issue the commit command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the rollback com"

If you issue the COMMIT command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the ROLLBACK com
If you issue the COMMIT command and then discover a mistake, can you still use the ROLLBACK command?...
When nesting transactions, does issuing a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command cancel the current trans
When nesting transactions, does issuing a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command cancel the current transactio...
Can a COMMIT command be used by itself or must it be embedded?
A COMMIT command can be issued by itself or in the transaction.
Give the different types of command words used in 8259a?
The command words of 8259A are classified in two groups1. Initialization command words (ICWs)2. ...
How can I process command-line arguments?
Like this: using System; class CApp { public static void Main( string[] ...
What is the ed command?
The ed command takes you into a full screen text editor. ed is very similar to vi on a UNIX system a...
What does the spool off command do?
The spool off command closes an open spool file.
Are triggers used with the SELECT statement?
Are triggers used with the SELECT statement? No. They are executed by the use of UPDATE, DELETE,...
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