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RMI Server problem

  Asked By: Raynard    Date: Jul 27    Category: Java    Views: 810

I m new and i m going create a project in java using RMI but i can't
set the windows enviornment variable through java program. another
problem is ..
to run the RMI server it need two seperate command window one is
rmiregistry and other is rmi policy i want to hide these windows so ..
plz hel me..



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Adel Fischer     Answered On: Jul 27

Are you more conserned about running rmi  in background or not having the cmd windows?

you might not get the cmd windows  if you activate the servers using RMI deamon (rmid). Then you don't need to run  rmiregistry then.

ref: java.sun.com/.../rmid.html

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