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RMI chatroom using a GUI

  Asked By: Craig    Date: Jan 08    Category: Java    Views: 7913

Can anyone tell me if they have code or anywhre i could find the
code for a very simple chatroom.all it has to do is have a few
clients using it,the messages to be sent to all clients and the list
of clients currently using it to be displayed in the GUI.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Amir Shaikh     Answered On: Jan 08

look at sourceforge.net...................

Answer #2    Answered By: Abriana Rossi     Answered On: Jan 08

Well, you'll need a server computer to host the chat room, this
could be your own computer if you want. For the GUI, if you don't
know how to use Swing and AWT, go to tutorgig.com and search. For
the actual chatting part of the code  go to
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/index.html and then go down
to "java.net" click on that and it will have the documentation. I
haven't ever used Java's sockets myself so I don't have any more
advice beyond that... except if you hit a small snag just ask on
Yahoo! Chat, I don't remember to many people but I know for sure if
someone named RidiculousFish in on there he'll help you... he's one
of the programming god-type people.

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