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Problem with Listboxes

  Asked By: Anita    Date: Feb 25    Category: MS Office    Views: 721

I am still getting the listbox problem that I mentioned in my
previous mails. Okay, let me explain the problem again to the new members of the
group and make it clear to old friends.

I am creating listboxes dynamically in one worksheet according
to the number entered by the user in another worksheet.
They are getting created and I am able to add items to listboxes. But the
problem comes when I am selecting the items. Some times I could select the items
of the listboxes, but some times I couldn't. The error is inconsistent.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Evelyn Hughes     Answered On: Feb 25

I hope this can be fixed eventually. The problem  is that issues only
ocurring intermittently are very tricky to reproduce and may be down to
conflicts or problems outside of the application. The best chance is to
find someone who's had a similar problem and see if together you can
find out any common features as to when the problem manifested.
Hopefully anyone reading your reiteration of the problem who has seen
something similar - even intermittently

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