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Is it Possible to RUN Excel Macro in Web means in Internet Explorer ?

  Asked By: Arland    Date: Mar 07    Category: MS Office    Views: 2512

I've done a lots of Macros in Excel and I want to do it in web, so that all my
colleagues spread across my country can work on it at the sametime.

So I tried to save the webpage as html file, from the option mentioned in the
File menu itself mentioned as 'Save as Webpage'. But it didn't work.

My maros were not runing as well as my Command Buttons, List Boxes and other
ojects were also not even visible.

I just want to publish it in the web.

Please tell me how can I achieve that.

If you helped me in achieving that, then without any doubts my excel will beat
the web software which is currently under development stage.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Lenora Green     Answered On: Mar 07

I do not think this is possible. The web  file is, in effect, an image
of the excel  spreadsheet. It does not have the functionality. To do what you
want to do you will need to build a web application, perhaps using javascript
or vbscript in an ASP.net web page. In effect it means  starting again from

Another possibility is to put the workbook on the internet  and allow your
colleagues to download copies.

You could also, perhaps, use sharepoint - but I am not in a corporate
environment and have never tried it.

