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Photo renaming -- album generating

  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 493

I've been experimenting recently with different apps, wondered what
other folk used, and how they store and resize photos. Now that i have
started a library of photos it seemed time for efficiency and organise
things a bit.

a] Saving photos. I found the best method was to copy [can't cut it
seems] and paste from camera to hard drive. The camera directory is
100_FUJI. I rename this in Nautilus to 28jul09 or whatever the day is
[deleting the photos on the camera afterwards]. Then rename all files
from the DSCF1234 format to 28jul09-1, 28jul09-2 etc with Krename
which i find brilliant [gnome's pyrenamer i found poor cf krename].
When one is posting on various forums i find that if one uses the
DSCF1234 format and save photos in different directories - you can
overwrite photos so using the date seemed a good way of doing things.

b] Resizing photos [smallest size on current camera is 1600x1200 which
i resize to 800x600 for forums]. Manually resizing photos in gThumb
was ok but took too long. I did find the following script which was ok
but there is a glitch somewhere.

cd /100_FUJI
mkdir small
for pic in `ls *.jpg`
echo "converting $pic"
convert -resize 800x600 $pic small/sm-$pic

c] Generating albums. It seemed the best way was to use a album app
and resize in one go. Of the ones i tried llgal seemed the simplest to
use giving pleasing results - jalbum, Kallery, jigl. I've used a free
website 110mb for storing albums on that i just provide a link for. I
was using photobucket but posting individual photo links takes time.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

I am an avid photographer but because I use kubuntu I can't help you
much. My one suggestion which is not "Linux orientated" (or any OS) is
how you download and delete photos from your camera.
The most recommended way (by many photographers - not only me) is to use
a card reader to download photos. There are several reasons for this.
For me the most common reasons are:
1. If one has more than one card it is quicker and less problematic.
Putting cards with photos in and out of the camera should be done
carefully because the "danger" of doing damage to photos on a card
increases. One may leave the camera turned on accidentally etc.
2. One's camera is "free" to continue taking photos and isn't tied down
to downloading.
You mentioned that after copying your photos to the computer you then
delete the old photos from the card. Let me suggest (almost demand) that
you reformat your card and not simply delete. Formatting should ONLY be
done with the camera and NOT with the external reader. This provides you
with two advantages. The card is really clean and no residue of old
photos are left on the card. The card is "configured" for your camera in
the best way possible.
As I said I use other programs on Kubuntu so I cannot advise you there.

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