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No sound on laptop

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 488

I went through the archives but I couldn't find anything that would
help me. I'm a newbie so I'm a little lost.
I have a Toshiba A135-S2386. When I try to play a CD or MP3 I can see
that it is playing but I get no sound. I'm no good with lines of code
so I really need an explanation that a child can understand. I've
done some research online but it's a little over my head.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

Well, I tried all the Alsa settings. I did notice one thing. When I
ran the ALSA program from the terminal I could adjust all the volumes
except for the headset. In example, I could adjust the PCM volume,
mic input level, everything but the headset volume. Nothing is muted
so it seems like Ubuntu knows its there but can't generate an output.

Toshiba A135-S2386 Laptop
Dual-Core 2 GB RAM

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