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Micro Soft Internet Explorer. Rant and Howto

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 557

To get sites that require MS Internet Explorer you are going to
require to install Wine. There is no if, what, but, or oh crap around
it. Till MS get it through their think head way of things. It will not
be for Unix or Linux. I cannot explain it with out going all geek out
and where my Star Wars or Star Trek costume is on. Which I have
neither of. Trust me they been warned and you can see why MS is
wanting to get Yahoo. Till then. Will use your favorite word about
them. However lets face it. We live in a MS world and this is how to
get around it.
Any one who has a internet site that requires IE only is stupid. Why
in the world you select one format for people to use. Most web sites
keep it simple and use different formats for all to use. Besides it is
like the Matrix. They want to use it to load up hidden cookies in the mix.
It is funny that some of the web sites to use Netscape. Netscape is a
off spring of Mozilla. It uses the open source code of Mozilla. Go
spin that in your hat for awhile.
Using wine is very simple to use IE. It cannot spy on you or give you
emails of to make part of your body bigger. Only part of my body to be
bigger is to grow from 5'5 to 5'7. At least I can look in some girls
eyes that are taller than me and instead of looking up their nose.
Do not worry about getting a virus or trojan horse either. All it is
going to do is say. Opp you must be high on smack and I cannot do that.
When flash player sold out to Adobe. It pissed off a lot of people
and people of the Linux and Unix world bitch a mad dog fit. Because
Adobe was only going to make it for windows only. Well look what
happen. Linux and Unix had flash player to enjoy the internet.
So go to http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page
It is not going to hurt your system at all. There is plenty of people
who use wine and does great. Some times you going to require some mojo
to get it to run. After all wine is the best lier to MS.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

your wrath is mis directed here. Those sites are using
active X and Adobe Flash and many other such devices to bulid there
moblie sites, It has nothing to do with MS and there only reson IE is
flagged up is because the Comuputer concerned has IE set as their
default browser.

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