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Does Java supports ODBO concepts

  Asked By: Lisa    Date: Nov 11    Category: Java    Views: 972

Can you please somebody tell me whether Java supports the OLE DB
for OLAP (Object Link Embedding DataBase for On-Line Analyitical
Processing)concepts to access/retrieve the data from Multi-
Dimensional data base tables.

ODBO is the higher level concept of ODBC from Micro soft.

With the help of ODBC connectivity, we can access only relational
data base tables and with ODBO can access the multi-dimensional data.

With the JDBC concept we can connect and retrieve from Relational DB.

Does Java has any concept of doing same functionalites with ODBO for
accessing Multi-dimensional data by generating MDX(Multi-dimensional
expressions) queries and SQL for JDBC. Please help me for this
question. thanks for the help.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Milton Robinson     Answered On: Nov 11

Java or any other language cannot have supports 4 all protocols.
But java  is ready to extend and flexible for new extensions.
so java supports odbo, google says,not me.


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