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How to concatenate in excelvba

  Asked By: Mada    Date: Nov 13    Category: MS Office    Views: 706

Can anyone suggest how can I write a script in VBA that has:


dog (white)
dog (brown)

and my desired output based on the data is like:




1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Emma Brown     Answered On: Nov 13

To write  this macro you will need a "for next" loop to step through the cells

Within this macro you will need to set a variable equal to the contents of the

You then need to use the left function to extract the part of the cell before
the (

But then check whether the value is the same as the previous value.

If it is not the same concatenate  the value to the string you are building.

X equals X & myValue

Have a go at this and let us know if you have any problems.

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