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PortletModes: doEdit doView doHelp doPrint doConfigure: 168

  Shared By: tutorials168portlets      Date: Jul 14      Category: Online Certifications     
www.scja.com Check out my actual website for the full screen, high resolution video: www.scja.com Standard JSR 168 Portlet Modes Any preliminary look at the portlet API will demonstrate a major similarity between portlets and servlets. Both portlets and servlets handle the request-response cycle, both are Java centric components, and both have access to the J2EE runtime environment. But there are some major differences between portlets and servlets as well. One of the most significant ways portlets are different from regular servlets is their support for various modes, namely view, edit and help. When it comes to portlet modes, there is no applicable analogy to typical servlet and JSP programming. This tutorial will look at the various modes available to the portlets you create, and how a developer can programmatically take advantage of these modes. Breaking Away from a Portlet as a Servlet Mentality Handling a request-response cycle is the most fundamental aspect of portlet programming, but inspecting a request and sending out a response to the client through a portlet is by no means revolutionary. After all, request-response programming is exactly what we do in a Java servlet. Let?s compare a Portlet to a Servlet: instead of a doView method, a Java Servlet has a doPost or a doGet method. Instead of being passed a PortletRequest or a PortletResponse object, a Java servlet is given an HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse object. In many ways, handling the request <b>...</b>


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