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Java Programming Tutorial Session 1 Introduction to oop and Java Programming for Beginners Part 2

  Shared By: java9s      Date: Mar 28      Category: Online Certifications     
The power point of this video can be downloaded from java9s.com This video is part of Java Tutorial Series from java9s.com. In this video i have given the introduction to object oriented programming and I gave a good introduction to java programming. The agenda of this video is to explain about the types of programming that were existing like unstructured programming, structured programming, procedural programming, Modular programming and then Object oriented programming. I gave a good explanation about the features of OOP like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction. This video will be of great help for java begineers. This java tutorial advantages of java programming and talks about the architecture of java about how java has achieved platform independence. James Gosling invented java in 1991 in sun microsystems. Java is an object oriented programming language which can be executed on any platform. Java is one the most powerful object oriented programming languages in the industry. In this java tutorial i have also explained about how java has maintained the memory management using the Garbage collection. This series of java tutorials also help those people who are preparing for SCJP. For those preparing for Sun certified java programmer certification can subscribe to my channel for more videos that will be uploaded in future.


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