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12 - XBOX Console Repair - Unit Assembly

 Play N Trade video game console repair guide. Complete reassembly of the Microsoft Xbox. For expert service and repair visit your local Play N Trade. www.PLAYNTRADE.com
Category:Assembly Language


Winter Assembly 2007 - Microsoft Flight Simulator

 Winter Assembly 2007 - Microsoft Flight Simulator
Category:Assembly Language


Old school assembly "Hello World!": Method 2

 Similar to my first video: www.youtube.com However this time a string is stored then called back rather than printing every character. This method is more efficient. But if you haven't seen my first v...
Category:Assembly Language


Assembly Hello World.asm tutorial in MASM

 simple and sweet here is the code: .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\windows.inc include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib include \m...
Category:Assembly Language


Mobo Ergonomic Computer Station - unboxing/assembly/review

 Unboxing, assembly and review of the Mobo Ergonomic Computer station. Mobo website: getyourmobo.com Amazon reviews www.amazon.com I don't represent Mobo or Amazon or any resellers. Also shown in this ...
Category:Assembly Language


Shifter DOS Virus

 The Shifter virus was one of the most unique viruses I have ever tested. Here's the breakdown of how the assembly language works. After writing your assembly code, you save it as a .asm file. It is th...
Category:Assembly Language

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