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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Heroes in a Half Shell]

 This is a slide show type video of the ninja turtles because they are awesome and totally kick ass!


Old Skool Coding: An 8086 Assembly Language Tutorial Using MS Debug.

 Please read... Available in high-quality here: www.youtube.com In this well-explained video tutorial, you will learn how to make a simple beeper in 8086 assembly language. It uses a small program alre...
Category:Assembly Language


DOS 16-bit Assembly Language programming: Part 1

 This is an introduction to 16-bit Assembly language programming using Microsoft Assembler(MASM) beginning with how to write a simple 'hello word' program in 16-bit assembler.
Category:Assembly Language


Programming: Windows 32 assembly language - Example 1

 How to program in Windows 32 assembly language?
Category:Assembly Language


8086 Assembly Language Tutorial 1, Part 1

 Please watch part 2 here: www.youtube.com My built in mic is kinda crappy so please turn the sound up. Downloads: Virtual Floppy Drive: chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp RawWrite: www.chrysocome.net NASM Ass...
Category:Assembly Language


8086 Assembly Language Tutorial 1, Part 2

 My built in mic is kinda crappy so please turn the sound up. Downloads: Virtual Floppy Drive: chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp RawWrite: www.chrysocome.net NASM Assembler: www.nasm.us Virtual PC: www.micros...
Category:Assembly Language

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