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Visual Studio 2010 Beta Test

 Download link: mypublicfiles.com Don't throw out that old VCR! Hack it to find all kinds of goodies inside! ... VCR Hack! 500 Round Per Minute Dart Chaingun Hack We hacked a Nerf Vulcan chaingun to fi...
Category:Visual Studio


Visual Studio 2005 Express Tutorial - Part 2a of 6

 idealprogrammer.com - We look at how to find the existing and new starter kits for VB 2005. We run the RSS Screen Saver starter kit. Next, we will modify the kit and install the screen saver. You can ...
Category:Visual Studio


Using Master Pages in Visual Studio 2008

 This video demonstrate how to use the visual studio master pages feature that allow you to create a template for your website. Enjoy watch more videos at stepbystepvideotutorials.com
Category:Visual Studio


Vídeo-aula: Criando uma agenda no Visual Studio 2008 com o mouse

 Pequena vídeo-aula mostrando como é fácil criar uma agenda no Visual Studio 2008 e Sql Server sem usar linha de código, apenas com o mouse. Video criado para o trabalho da disciplina de Multimídia, 7º...
Category:Visual Studio


Visual Studio 2008: C# Tutorial: Windows Form Controls Tutorial Part 1/4 - Codecall.net

 In this tutorial you will learn how to use most of the windows forms controls such as text boxes, combo boxes, buttons, lists etc.. Created by Davide Vitelaru. The #1 Programming Forum: forum.codecall...
Category:Visual Studio


Qt + Visual studio 2005 part 5/5

 those 5 short tutorials shows you how to integrate the framework Qt4 with Visual C++ 2005 PRO (no express). hope you enjoy it
Category:Visual Studio

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