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Creating a Visual Studio Web Application

 Using Visual Studio 2005 to create a Web Application
Category:Visual Studio


Visual Studio Tutorial - Part 1 - Overview and Layout

 This video by Keith Elder kicks off a series of Visual Studio tutorials entitled "Back to the Basics" that takes users from the beginning of how to use Visual Studio. In this tutorial, the very basics...
Category:Visual Studio


Visual Studio 2008 Multi-Targeting

 blog.dmbcllc.com Does mult-targeting work? Can you move to Visual Studio 2008 today even though you are still developing using .NET 2.0? This video reveals it all.
Category:Visual Studio


When I Build You (The Visual Studio 2010 Song)

 Jibran, overwhelmed with the mind blowing features of Visual Studio, escapes the office only to find his uncontrollable love expressed in song. whenibuildyou.com
Category:Visual Studio


OpenMP in Microsoft Visual Studio

 A brief how-to showing an example that takes advantage of a programming API called OpenMP to add multithreading to an application and resulting in a performance boost by taking advantage of multicore ...
Category:Visual Studio


Inheriting from Forms in Visual Studio using C#

 Tutorial on how to inherit from a form in Visual Studio
Category:Visual Studio

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