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Forum updates on "code generation"

code generation
did anyone have some documents about cglib ?
Next-Generation Java Middleware
If you have built distributed Java-based systems, you have probablyused JMS or perhaps some other ...
Hibernate : Dialect does not support identity key generation
what is the cause of error below at the first page AddItem.jsp ofthe example for Hibernate inhom...
Hibernate DDL Generation
For those how are using automatic ddl generation feature of hibernate,there is an interface which ...
Life Generation Program
I'm having alot of trouble with my Life Generation Program (sametype of thing as Conway's Rules of...
Next Generation in Applet Java Plug-in Technology
It's time to take another look at Java applet technology for delivering your programs over the web...
writing vba code to generate vba code
Is it possible to write code in vba that would automatically generate additionalcode and create dy...
writing vba code to generate vba code
Is it possible to write code in vba that would automatically generate additionalcode and create dy...
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Article updates on "code generation"

Generation of Pythagorean Triples
A Pythagorean triple is a set of three integers a, b and c such that a^2+b^2=c^2. Such a triple can...
Program that prompts the user to enter a character, and on subsequent lines print its ASCII code i
An AL program that prompts the user to enter a character, and on subsequent lines print its ASCII co...
Backslash Codes
This article explains about Backslash codes available in java with examples.
Program to copy one string to another by coding and using string function
Write a program that performs copy operation of one string to another manually and using string func...
Program to convert a decimal number into binary, octal and pental code
A C++ program to convert a decimal number into binary, octal and pental code ( using arrays and func...
Program to covert a given decimal number into Roman Code
A C++ Program to covert a given decimal number into Roman Code.
Program to covert a given Decimal Number into English Code
A C++ Program to covert a given Decimal Number into English Code.
Prolog program to display item name, code, quantity, price and grade
Prolog program to display item name, code, quantity, price and grade.
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Interview FAQ updates on "code generation"

Consider the following code segment and select one of the option
Consider the following code segment:class Book {……..};class Prose : public Book {……….};class P...
What is Code Access Security (CAS)?
CAS is the part of the .NET security model that determines whether or not code is allowed to run, an...
Who defines the CAS code groups?
Microsoft defines some default ones, but you can modify these and even create your own. To see the c...
How do I define my own code group?
Use caspol. For example, suppose you trust code from www.mydomain.com and you want it have full acce...
Can source code be reverse-engineered from IL?
Yes, it is often relatively straightforward to regenerate high-level source from IL. Lutz Roeder's R...
What is the output of the following code?
int n=10;while (n<10)cout<< “Number:”<
Identify if any error in the following code segment
1. class example2. {3. float x;4. public:5. void example();6. example(int, float);...
What is the output of the below code?
Consider the following code segment:int main(){int x, *x_ptr=&x;x=5;x_ptr=NULL;cout<< x ...
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Video updates on "code generation"