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Forum updates on "vb net - how to make a tcp or udp windows application - mswinsock ocx - simple detailed tutorial"

implement an application client/server in TCP/IP then UDP
I have to implement an application client/server in TCP/IP then UDP,turning on a single machine in...
AJAX made simple with DWR
Today we hear a lot of news about AJAX. Actually AJAX has changed the architecture and style of web ...
does anyone have the source code of a chatting client / server using UDP (or TCP if udp is not
does anyone have the source code of a chatting client / server using UDP (or TCPif udp is not avai...
How can i run java Application fast as VB applications
Pls Tell me How can i run java Application fast as VB applications.Is there any products avilable?
Need ideas about fetching entity details in a 3-tier application
Suppose we have designed a master-detail entity relation for a 3-tier application using EJB3 like th...
Help with error- UDP
Iam trying to a develop a UDP chat client-server.As a first step i have developed the basic outlin...
chatting client - server using UDP
I have another one if you don't mindI'm writing a chatting client - server using UDP (if anyone ...
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Article updates on "vb net - how to make a tcp or udp windows application - mswinsock ocx - simple detailed tutorial"

How to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and VB.Net
Example code to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and VB.Net
Demo code of creating barcodes in asp.net using vb.net
barcode generation in vb.net using a custom barcode control
TCP/IP program to allocate and connect a socket using TCP or UDP
TCP/IP program to allocate and connect a socket using TCP or UDP.
TCP/IP program to allocate & bind a server socket using TCP or UDP
TCP/IP program to allocate & bind a server socket using TCP or UDP.
Program of simple windows & buttons
Write a program of simple windows & buttons.
Simple WPF Application
This article will explain you how to create simple WPF Application in Visual Studio 2008/2010.
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified UDP service on a specified host
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified UDP service on a specified host.
TCP/IP program to create a passive socket for use in a UDP server
TCP/IP program to create a passive socket for use in a UDP server.
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Video updates on "vb net - how to make a tcp or udp windows application - mswinsock ocx - simple detailed tutorial"

Interview FAQ updates on "vb net - how to make a tcp or udp windows application - mswinsock ocx - simple detailed tutorial"

Will my .NET app run on 64-bit Windows?
64-bit (x64) versions of Windows support both 32-bit and 64-bit processes, and corresponding 32-bit ...
What is a Master/ Detail Form?
A subform is a form within a form. The primary form is called the main form, and the form within the...
What tools can I use to develop .NET applications?
There are a number of tools, described here in ascending order of cost:The .NET Framework SDK is...
The declaration of global variables must be made in which option
Optionsa) inside the functionb) outside the functionc) in a function header lined) None of...
What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?
SQL determines what should be done, not how it should be done. The database must implement the SQL r...
List applications of microprocessor-based system.
It is used:i. For measurements, displayand control of current, voltage, temperature, pressure,...
What is an application domain?
An AppDomain can be thought of as a lightweight process. Multiple AppDomains can exist inside a Win3...
Can I write my own .NET host?
Yes. For an example of how to do this, take a look at the source for the dm.net moniker developed by...
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Oracle Certified Professional, Java ME 1 Mobile Application Developer Preparation Article
Oracle offers variety of Java Certifications for all Java Editions (Java SE, Java EE and Java ME). ...
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