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Forum updates on "user function - is optional calculation possibe"

User Function - is optional calculation possibe?
I have a user defined function which I'm calling a couple of hundredtimes and it's taking a long t...
User Defined Function didn't work
Please check, this function didn't work? It sums all number!Maybe the problem is in ".interior.c...
user-designed Excel math functions
I've been reading the ExcelVBA list for a while, and all I see issubroutines, forms, files, etc....
User Defined Functions
I'm trying to learn how to write functions for use in Excel. Forexample, one function I'd like to ...
Excel User Functions
Does anyone know how/why a User defined function in one file isaccessed by other Excel files open ...
cells containing formula that refer to user-defined VBA function
I've got a weird one here folks. I have a simple workbook thatkeeps track of certain files on the ...
User defined functions not recognized
I am trying to create a simple function that returns the name of thesheet in which the function is...
user defined functions
I have a function that works if I pass it a full value, but Idon't know how to get it to work if a...
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Article updates on "user function - is optional calculation possibe"

Program of Deterministic Finite Automation (DFA) for identifier, real number with optional Integer
Based on Deterministic Finite Automation (DFA) for a REAL number with optional Integer and Fractiona...
Identifer recognisition Integer Unsigned real number with optional integer part
Identifer recognisition Integer Unsigned real number with optional integer part 7 8 9 ...
TCP/IP program of putc and fputs with optional file scripting
TCP/IP program of putc and fputs with optional file scripting.
Program of inheritance using shape class and area calculation
Program of inheritance using shape class and area calculation.
Program of pay-bill calculations
Write a program of pay-bill calculations.
Program of address calculation sort
Write a Program of address calculation sort.
Program for electricity board charges calculation
An electricity board charges the following rates to domestic users to discourage large consumption o...
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functions
A C++ program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functions.
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Video updates on "user function - is optional calculation possibe"

Interview FAQ updates on "user function - is optional calculation possibe"

Why am I getting an InvalidOperationException when I serialize an ArrayList?
XmlSerializer needs to know in advance what type of objects it will find in an ArrayList. To specify...
Identify which function prototype exhibits the following: Name of the function is sample_cal
Optionsa) sample_calc(double, double);b) void sample_calc(double, double);c) double sample_c...
functions that act on a set of values and returns a single value.e.g. SUM,AVG,MIN,MAX,COUNT
Which of the following option will create a user-defined namespace in ANSI C++?
Optionsa) namespace namespace_name{….};b) namespace(){namespace_name}c) namespace namespace_...
Which of the following is not a user-defined data type?
Optionsa) arrayb) structurec) uniond) classAnswer : a) array
Which function call does invoke the following function prototype? float sub1(int a, float b)
Optionsa) X=sub1(5.0,6.5);b) X=sub1(5,6.5);c) X=sub1(5,6);d) Both b and cAnswer : b)...
Identify the variables, which are local to the following function
int calc(int p, int n){int q;q=pow(p,n);return(q);}Optionsa) p and nb) p,n, an...
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