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JMenuBar with data coming from a database source
i am populating my JMenuBar with data coming from a database sourcewhen i execute my prepared stat...
I am having someproblem which is not clear to me.I am looking forward to you to send me answers ...
Excel 97-03 file connecting to Excel 2007 file as data source
I've got an interesting problem.I have an Access report which I need to run regularly. The data ...
Linking data from one Workbook to another
I am trying to link data from one excel workbook to another using VB code.I have an idea roughly w...
Change data source for a pivot table
Can anyone tell me how to change the data source for a pivot table? Iknow how to go and find the r...
Data grid view using c#
How to insert,update and delete data using data grid view in c#(windows programming). I'm beginner i...
sorting data.
how to sort data in ascending order,eEg;-12,11,10,6,8,7,9,5,2,4,3,1.
data registering and implement
implement a small data registering and retrieval system using 8086 assembly on emu8086. the function...
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Article updates on "rdf linked data views over rdbms data sources part 2"

Shell script to perform database operations for student data like view, add and delete records
Write a shell script to perform database operations for student data like view, add and delete recor...
Program to sort a linked list by swapping data
Program to sort a linked list by swapping data.
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functions
A C++ program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functions.
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using constructor
A C++ Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using constructor.
Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types
A C++ Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types.
TCP/IP program to handle the telnet "DATA MARK" command and receive urgent data input
TCP/IP program to handle the telnet "DATA MARK" command and receive urgent data input.
Program that Includes an external source file in the current source file
Program that Includes an external source file in the current source file.
Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types and user defined data types (int &
A C++ Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types and user defined data types (int ...
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List all activities required as part of requirements management
Activities required as part of requirements management are1) Maintaining traceability2) Managing...
Can source code be reverse-engineered from IL?
Yes, it is often relatively straightforward to regenerate high-level source from IL. Lutz Roeder's R...
Why crystal is a preferred clock source?
Because of high stability, large Q (Quality Factor) & the frequency that doesn’t drift with aging. C...
Write an algorithm for Creating Singly Linked List in dfs (data file structure).
PROCEDURE CREATE(T)[Where ‘head’ pointer has been caught in pointer ‘T’]1. [Allocating memory ...
Write an algorithm for Inserting a Node using Singly Linked List in dfs (data file structure).
PROCEDURE INSERT(T, KEY)[Where ‘head’ pointer has been caught in pointer ‘T’ & the value in ‘key’]...
Write an algorithm for Deleting a Node using Singly Linked List in dfs (data file structure).
PROCEDURE DELETE (T, KEY)[Where ‘head’ pointer has been caught in pointer ‘T’ & the value in ‘key’...
What is Linked List in dfs (data file structure)?
Linked list is a dynamic data structure that contains a “link” to the structure containing the next ...
List Advantages of Linked Lists in dfs (data file structure).
- Dynamic structure (Mem. Allocated at run-time).- We can have more than one datatype.- Re-ar...
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