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to create a program that will create a folder and file name
how to create a program that will create a folder and a file name? using microasm
Simple prolog program to be solved :)
Hi,I am new in prolog programming and I have a simple program to be solved.A Prolog program th...
ideal prolog program
Hi, I have found many programs written in prolog which are very helpful to my project. I was wonderi...
I am having someproblem which is not clear to me.I am looking forward to you to send me answers ...
Prova (from Prolog+Java)
Prova (from Prolog+Java) is a rule-based system for Java and agentscripting and information integr...
Creating a jar file that contains javamail code
I have an application that I wish to put into a jar file.It uses javamail (and java activation fra...
Java and prolog
plz i am developing an ES which require to develope alot of work withAI "Prolog"i am using SICST...
given a list of facts such astask(a,5).task(b,4).task(c,1).task(d,7).How would you defin...
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Article updates on "prolog program to create a database of employees containing empno, empname, emp spouse name, children and print employee children having a given age"

Prolog program to create a database of Employees containing EmpNo, EmpName, Emp Spouse Name, child
Create a database of Employees containing EmpNo, EmpName, Emp Spouse Name, List containing name of c...
Prolog program to create a database of teachers containing, TeacherName, List of subjects taught a
Create a database of teachers containing, TeacherName, List of subjects taught Also create a databas...
Employee Payment Database
Article that create employee payment database with alter, insert, select, update, delete etc...
Employee database management system
Write a program of employee database management system which provides below functionality 1) Ad...
Program that maintains employee database of an education system
An educational institution wishes to maintain a database of its employees. The database is divided ...
Display items containing letter 't' in item name
This article provides an example to display items containing letter 't' in item name.
Program to create a Attendence Report of Employees
Program to create a Attendence Report of Employees.
CREATE DATABASE with example
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Video updates on "prolog program to create a database of employees containing empno, empname, emp spouse name, children and print employee children having a given age"

Interview FAQ updates on "prolog program to create a database of employees containing empno, empname, emp spouse name, children and print employee children having a given age"

What are some database objects?
Tables, indexes, synonyms, clusters, views.
Distinguish between Select query and Action Query, Database and Table, Filter and Query etc
a. Select query and Action QueryThe Simple Select Query creates queries that retrieve data from ...
Find if the following function prototype contains any error: double area(int )
Optionsa) No errorb) Variable name is not included in the argument listc) Semicolon is not f...
Which of the following statements is true about the function that contains the const argumen
Optionsa) The function should not modify the const argumentb) Const declaration is necessary o...
Name of serial’s name which has been started two year ago.
SQL>select serialname from serial_master where to_char(timeinindia ,'DD-MON-YYYY hh:mi:ss a.m.') <= ...
How do we define name in Excel? What is the use of defining names?
If you have information stored on one worksheet that you want to use on other sheets, you can create...
How to create table?
SQL> create table serial_master 2 (serialno varchar2(3) primary key,serialname varchar2(10) check (...
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