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Forum updates on "pda development"

pda's that are java ready
i'd like to write a java app on a pda? Is this possible? Whatbrands support java? Does JDBC suppor...
PDA Development
Not sure where to start with this at all. I was just asked to dosome development on PDA's and I'm ...
PDA Excel sheets?
I have Excel 2000 on my desktop PC. I also have an iPaq 5555 with Pocket PCExcel on it.I would...
j2se or j2me for pda?
I hope you can help me because I am littleconfused with all the possible ways of programming for ...
Pocket PC 2002 PDA to dail a phone number
I am trying to put a link in HTML web page with frontpage2000 for aPocket PC 2002 PDA to dail a ph...
Frontend Development Question
I'm not a member of your group yet but I have a problem that I needan answer to urgently so I can ...
Important Survey on Software Development
I would like to know your opinions by getting your answers to this 2 questionsurvey on Software De...
Java Business Applications - not web development
Please excuse my intrusion, but I could use some assistance and amhoping maybe some of you may hav...
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Video updates on "pda development"

Interview FAQ updates on "pda development"

Name the implementation of Requirements Development PA in Infosys
Requirements Development PA in Infosys is done using INFLUX
Which of the following accurately sums up the Requirements Development PA
Which of the following accurately sums up the Requirements Development PA Option 1: The purpose ...
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