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How can i let VBA know the ActiveCell has Comment Text or not
I want to run a code likeIf ActiveCell.Comment.Text ="" then...End ifbut it turn an erro...
How can i let VBA know the ActiveCell has Comment Text or not
I want to run a code likeIf ActiveCell.Comment.Text ="" then...End ifbut it turn an erro...
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 to let users install from Windows
What if installing a Linux distribution was as easy as installing Firefox? Sofar, the setup proces...
xubuntu 10.04.2 -- playing DVD
I'm not able to play a video... the disc doesn't seem to mount. Isthere something else to need to ...
Playing with OpenStack is anyone else?
I know that many are trying to network their home. So was wondering ifanyone was thinking of a pri...
new tab opening playing a movie.
For the past few days Ive noticed something thatat first I thought was just an annoyance but now...
mp3 playing
How can I write java programs to play mp3 files? If any body know please let me know that
how to play audio or video songs in a java project
i am developing a an application using java/j2ee .its just like amedia player.its job is to do the...
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Article updates on "lets play dhtml lemmings german part8"

Program that starts with an initially undefined byte array of maximum 100, and lets the user inser
An AL Program that starts with an initially undefined byte array of maximum 100, and lets the user i...
Program that lets the user type some text, consisting of words separated by blanks, ending with a
An AL Program that lets the user type some text, consisting of words separated by blanks, ending wit...
Program that lets the user type in an algebric expression, ending with a carriage return, that con
An AL Program that lets the user type in an algebric expression, ending with a carriage return, that...
Write the following procedures : a. A procedure READ that lets the user enter a binary number and
The following method can be used to generate random number in the range 1 to 32767. Start wi...
Program that lets the user enter time in seconds, up to 65535, and outputs the time as hours, minu
An AL Program that lets the user enter time in seconds, up to 65535, and outputs the time as hours, ...
Program that let the user to enter a fraction of the form M/N s.t. (M<N), and the program print
An AL Program that let the user to enter a fraction of the form M/N s.t. (M
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