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Forum updates on "j2me-package"

I have uploaded J2ME-API and Emulator, Some Tools for developingOn Symbian OS to Files section.
J2ME Optional Packages
What are optional packages and how are they used? When the Java 2[tm]platform, Micro Edition (J2ME...
how can i import my packages to netbeans WTK packages
does any body know,how can i add my own jar file to netbeans mobility,i know how to import my packag...
J2ME in java
I need a special SDK to work with J2ME .I think it's called ' J2ME Wireless Toolkit' or some thing...
How to access the Phone Number from the J2ME Application
I need to access the Phone Number from the SIM card.Is there any way to detect mobile phone number...
j2me question
I have a problem with method : keyRepeated in class:"class Canvas extends javax.microedition.lcdui...
(J2ME)change the Background Color Of Form
I have a question about create a Form on J2ME Midlet.How could we change the Background Color Of F...
unicode +j2me
how i can i use unicode format in my device(Nokia S60)when i write down farsi on my ide (netbeans ...
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Article updates on "j2me-package"

Program to show an example of using user-defined package in a program
A Java Program to show an example of using user-defined package in a program.
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