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I'm having a confounded time trying to install Ubuntu with CentOS
First, I'm not a Linux person, so much of this is new. Expecially using FDISK. So bear with me. I'...
Ubuntu transformation for WinXP and trying other desktops on Ubuntu
Came across this pack of stuff (and wasted several hours trying itout) that lets you give WinXP an...
Trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 as dual boot with Win2000
Trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 as dual boot with Win2000. With differentdisk layouts, when trying...
Upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10
I've been running 10.04 on a laptop since day one. It's been a painless, funexperience. I use this...
Ubuntu-to-Ubuntu using USB
I have an Ubuntu machine controlling a process. I need to send single-charactercommands to that ma...
IM with Ubuntu 9.04?
What IM service do I need to sign up with to use on Ubuntu (Pidgin)? Yahoo? MSN?Google? (other?)
Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 Server to Ubuntu 8.10 Server
We shouldn't forget our server users:Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Server to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intr...
Ubuntu and WinXP at the same time
I'm a relative newcomer to Linux, so if this subject hasalready been beaten to death, please accep...
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Article updates on "im having a confounded time trying to install ubuntu with centos"

How to Download and Install Windows PowerShell
This article will explains you how to download and install windows powershell.
TCP/IP program of UDP client for TIME service that prints the resulting time
TCP/IP program of UDP client for TIME service that prints the resulting time.
ProLog Program to read list of strings and numbers and copy in database having having string lengt
Complete prolog program to read a list of strings. Then read a no. All the strings having the length...
ProLog Program to read list of strings and numbers and copy in database having having string lengt
Complete prolog program to read a list of strings. Then read a no. All the strings having the length...
Example to find items having unit price greater than or equal to 500
This article provides an example to find items having unit price greater than or equal to 500.
Display items having item price between 100 to 500 using select query
This article provides an example to display items having item price between 100 to 500 using select ...
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Compile time polymorphism is also known as. select option
Optionsa) early bindingb) static bindingc) static linkingd) All of the aboveAnswer : d...
I'm having some trouble with CAS. How can I troubleshoot the problem?
Caspol has a couple of options that might help. First, you can ask caspol to tell you what code grou...
When using the HAVING clause, do you always have to use a GROUP BY also?
When using the HAVING clause, do you always have to use a GROUP BY also?Yes.
Why do I get errors when I try to serialize a Hashtable?
XmlSerializer will refuse to serialize instances of any class that implements IDictionary, e.g. Hash...
Which statement(s) is true about try block? - Select option
I. The try block is immediately followed by the catch block.II. Try statement can have only one ca...
What happens when the try block does not throw any exception?
Optionsa) The program is abortedb) Normal execution is completedc) Cannot be predictedd) N...
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