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Forum updates on "asp net 3 5 linq to sql part8 updating with stored procedures 2/3"

Problem with JDBC, SQL Server 7.0 and Stored Procedures
I am working with a servletbased Javaapplication on a JRunserver. Iam usingSQL Server 7.0 and ha...
Problem with JDBC, SQL Server 7.0 and Stored Procedures - RS return
I am working with a servletbased Javaapplication on a JRunserver. Iam usingSQL Server 7.0 and ha...
To call a stored procedure
I am trying to call a stored procedure. Sometimes it works fine, but mostof the time I get the fol...
Run Oracle stored procedures with parameters from java
What is the syntax to run a stored procedure with parameters fromjava jdk 131 against Oracle datab...
calling Stored procedure from entity bean
iam trying to call a sybase stored procedure from entity beaniam getting the following error :...
Question on error on calling stored procedure from Java
I have a method that call a stored procedure and I seem to be getting the following error:[Code] ...
Example for hibernate stored procedure
Please give me step by step example for hibernate storedprocedure. Where this write ? how to call ...
Retrieve values when getting xml as a input parameter in a stored procedures
How to retrieve values , if you are getting xml as a input parameter in a stored procedures.. T...
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Article updates on "asp net 3 5 linq to sql part8 updating with stored procedures 2/3"

How to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and VB.Net
Example code to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and VB.Net
Demo code of creating barcodes in asp.net using vb.net
barcode generation in vb.net using a custom barcode control
How to connect Oracle database in Asp.net
This article will explains how to make oracle connection in asp.net code using c#
How to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and C#
Example code to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and C#
Validation controls on asp.net
This is regarding validation controls in asp.net
Create an SQL statement that will generate a series of GRANT statements to five new users
Using the SYS.DBA_USERS view (Personal Oracle7), create an SQL statement that will generate a series...
Operators in SQL Server
This article lists operators in SQL server.
SQL Server Tutorial
SQL Server 2005/2008 Tutorials Step by Step using simple and basic examples.
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Video updates on "asp net 3 5 linq to sql part8 updating with stored procedures 2/3"

Interview FAQ updates on "asp net 3 5 linq to sql part8 updating with stored procedures 2/3"

Identify the drawback of using procedure-oriented programming, if any:
Options a) Data is hidden from external functionsb) New functions can be added whenever nece...
In which object does Delphi place its SQL?
In which object does Delphi place its SQL?In the TQuery object.
What does streamline an SQL statement mean?
Streamlining an SQL statement is taking the path with the least resistance by carefully planning you...
What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?
SQL determines what should be done, not how it should be done. The database must implement the SQL r...
What can you do with SQL?
SQL enables you to select, insert, modify, and delete the information in a database; perform system ...
Which of the following SQL statements will work?
a) select *from checks;b) select * from checks;c) select * from checksAll the abo...
How can I develop an application that automatically updates itself from the web?
For .NET 1.x, use the Updater Application Block. For .NET 2.x, use ClickOnce.
Which function can retrieve the character stored at a specified location?
Optionsa) at( )b) find_first_of( )c) find( )d) find_last_of( )Answer : a) at( )
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