


Resource TypePosted On
Program of an array to display it's content as inputted and reversing it's...Aug 13
Program of an array to display it's content as inputted and reversing it's conte...Dec 19
Program of an editor with menu barAug 11
Program of displaying graphical menu and operate it using arrow keys Apr 10
Menu driven telephone directory programApr 12
Menu driven Bank Application ProjectDec 24
Prepare a menu driven calculatorMay 12
Write a menu driven program to display message, user name, terminal name, login ...Sep 03
Write a menu driven shell script for Copy a file, Remove a file, Move a fileJun 12
Shell Script to make a menu driven calculator using caseSep 07
Program to initialize array by even numbers starting from 2 and display sum of a...Nov 19
Prolog program of Water Jug Problem start with state(0,0) and end with(2,0) Feb 21
Display customers whose name starts with 's'Oct 17
Display student records whose name starts with 'm' using like % operatorNov 20
List all files start with a or AOct 14
Program to print pyramid of * (starts)Sep 10
Program to print pyramid of * (starts) in reverse patternMay 20
Program to check the start and end of a StringJan 19
Program of an array that prints it's value before and after clearing the 3rd row...Aug 11
Program to read two positive numbers and interchange it's values using *(mul) an...Sep 02
Program to read two positive numbers and interchange it's values using +(add) an...Dec 16
menu driven shell program which have the options change the term, change the pro...Apr 28
Script to make File and Directory Management Operations menu based : Display Cur...Sep 15
Perform directory operations like display current , list, Make, Change directory...Jul 13
Shell Script to create a Menu Driven program : Hard Link, Soft Link, Counting ea...Sep 29
Program to display menus like windows operating system and also can add as many ...Nov 29
Menu driven program which has the options Contents of etc/passwd, List of the us...Jul 17
Program to get substring of entered text or word by taking starting index and nu...Dec 14
Program to compare Strings by compring successive corresponding characters, sta...Apr 04
Program to calculate the frequency for different values of C starting from 0.01 ...Jun 14
Program that starts with an initially undefined byte array of maximum 100, and l...Aug 26
Program to check whether the input string is a valid identifier or not. (Note: s...Mar 23
Singly Linked list with following operations INSERT AT STARTING, INSERT AT MIDD...Sep 15
Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a given 7 digit number ...Jul 03
Write a shell program to display the alternate digits in a given 7 digit number ...Mar 10
Program to calculate the frequency for different values of C starting from 0.01 ...Sep 24