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Shell Script to create a Menu Driven program : Hard Link, Soft Link, Counting each of the links for a specific link and Display the soft-links

Posted By: Ararinda Schmidt     Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu     Views: 5417

Write a Shell Script to create a Menu Driven program:
1) Hard Link.
2) Soft Link.
3) Counting each of the links for a specific link.
4) Display the soft-links for the given files.

Code for Shell Script to create a Menu Driven program : Hard Link, Soft Link, Counting each of the links for a specific link and Display the soft-links in Unix / Linux / Ubuntu

echo "1.for creating the hard link "
echo "2.for creating the soft link"
echo "3.counting the links"
echo "enter your choice"
read expr
case $expr in
1)      echo "for creating the hard link"
        echo "enter the name of file to create hard link"
        read f1
        echo "enter to create the child for hard link"
        read f2
        ln $f1 $f2
        ls -l $f2
2)      echo "for creating the soft link"
        echo "enter the name of file for creating soft link"
        read f1
        echo "enter to create the child for hard link"
        read f2
        ln -s $f1 $f2
        ls -l $f2
3)      echo "counting the echo of the link "
               read f1
               #ls -l $f1 | tee l5
               awk -F " "'{ print $2 }' l5
echo  "completed"

 [04mca58@LINTEL 04mca58]$ sh link.sh
1.for creating the hard link
2.for creating the soft link
3.counting the links
enter your choice
for creating the hard link
enter the name of file to create hard link
enter to create the child for hard link
-rw-r--r--    7 04mca13  users          10 Dec 12 13:25 er

[04mca58@LINTEL 04mca58]$ sh link.sh
1.for creating the hard link
2.for creating the soft link
3.counting the links
enter your choice
for creating the soft link
enter the name of file for creating soft link
enter to create the child for hard link
lrwxrwxrwx    1 04mca13  users           1 Dec 12 14:20 e -> a

[04mca58@LINTEL 04mca58]$ sh link.sh
1.for creating the hard link
2.for creating the soft link
3.counting the links
enter your choice
counting the echo of the link

Ararinda Schmidt
Ararinda Schmidt author of Shell Script to create a Menu Driven program : Hard Link, Soft Link, Counting each of the links for a specific link and Display the soft-links is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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