


Resource TypePosted On
Program of text boxFeb 20
Vb code to transfer cells text to text boxSep 24
Program of reading data from one text file and writing in new text file Dec 03
Dialog BoxesDec 06
Program to display a 10*10 solid box of asterisks with INT 21H and function 9H Jun 15
Program of moving message box like windowsFeb 13
using text boxFeb 07
Make Text Box in Edit mode biggerMar 29
first text box on user form to be selectedFeb 03
Sum values entered into text boxesDec 21
text box -- integers onlyDec 20
How to display file/ folder path in the Text BoxNov 25
Displaying spreadsheet data in user form text boxNov 12
calculating 'names' of text boxes in a formNov 01
cmdFind for multiple Text and Combo BoxesSep 07
Problem with Focusing the Text box on Page LoadJul 01
send a value from one text box to another form using request.form method Aug 04
VB.NET Tutorial 13 - Text To Speech (Visual Basic 2008/2010)Jan 22
combo box/list box/checkbox Tool TipDec 14
Fill List Box Based On Selection On Other List BoxSep 07
Black box - White box testingOct 07
Which is used to read a line of text with blanks? - Select optionMar 10
Which of the following code would read a line of text from char type variable,...Jan 05
Program that will accept a line of text from the text file; count the number of ...Sep 23
Program that lets the user type some text, consisting of words separated by blan...Aug 26
Program to show the implementation of None or All String Clipping Strategy (Tex...Jul 13
Program to display textMay 06
Program of creating a file using text fields in windowsMar 21
Program to print some textDec 12
Program of text animationDec 07
An applet program to display text Oct 24
Text and Image FunctionsSep 16
Program to show the implementation of None or All Character Clipping Strategy (...Jun 19
Program to do variable replacement in a line of textApr 05
Program of delayed text animationFeb 22
Program which read device data from a text file and show each extension’s duesDec 09
Text Animation in Graphics ScreenNov 12
Program to show the Basic Mouse Handling in Text ModeOct 18
Ratio of positive and negative text in learning dataset for text classification?Apr 30
formatting text which is in text formulaMar 20
How can I set a text box to accept only integers?Dec 12
is there any way to have a wrap around box and not keep running box?Nov 13
Dialog Box questionFeb 21