


Resource TypePosted On
String operations like compare strings, concatenate strings, find length, revers...May 31
Program to perform some basic operations on stringJun 30
Shell script to perform operations like compare string, concatenate, find length...Feb 16
string is a - Select optionFeb 11
List the operation modes of 8255 Nov 20
What are operations performed on data in 8085Oct 10
Write a function to perform string operation i.e. split, join, length, substring...Aug 21
Program to compare strings, concatenate strings, copy string and display part of...Sep 18
Regarding strings operationMar 03
Program to copy one string s2 to another string s1 using strcopy function from...Nov 27
Perform directory operations like display current , list, Make, Change directory...Jul 13
Program to append one string s2 to another string s1 i.e. concatenation of two s...Aug 23
Which function capitalizes the first letter of a character string and makes the ...Dec 21
Program to perform array operations like append, insert, delete, edit, display a...Dec 04
Which of the following would assigns the string “welcome” to the second construc...Nov 20
Program of circular doubly link list with insert, append, delete, copy, reverse ...Aug 27
Defines stack and lists basic operations and properties of stack Jul 06
Program to illustrate the use of pointers in arithmetic operationsJun 27
Program to generate arithmetic operation by using evaluate clauseMar 02
Program to find matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, transpose and symm...Dec 20
Managing Input and Output OperationsDec 07
Which function does exchange the contents of two strings?Oct 31
Simple program to perform arithmetic operationOct 27
Program to perform file read and write operations Oct 17
Which is not supported by the string class? - Select optionOct 10
Recursive program for following operations fibonacci series Oct 04
How do I do a case-insensitive string comparison?Sep 17
Program to read two floating point no from key board and perform arithmetic oper...Sep 06
please help - why this is not work (sub string in string)Mar 28
breaking a String into a String[]Nov 26
Unrecognized configuration section 'connection Strings' (Parser Error)Aug 21
Comparison of String to an element of an Array of Strings does notJun 28
String or stringMay 15
String to String (Date conversion)Apr 16
Stram to String & String to StreamJul 18
What are the different types of write operations used in 8253?Sep 25
What are the Control signals used for DMA operation?Jul 13
What would be the output of the following code? char *str= “Managing Console I/O...Apr 04
How many operations are there in the instruction set of 8085 microprocessor?Mar 03
List Basic Operations on Stack in dfs (data file structure).Feb 07
List Basic Operations on Queue in dfs (data file structure).Jan 18
What are the basic modes of operation of 8255?Jan 08
What are the modes of operations used in 8253?Sep 25
operationsJan 22
matrix operationsDec 18
Sound card operation Dec 03
help regarding file operationJan 22
Close operation in VBANov 07
Error message on Paste operationOct 26