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Defines stack and lists basic operations and properties of stack

Posted By: Guilherme Silva     Category: C++ Programming     Views: 6709

This article defines stack. It also lists basic operations and properties of a stack.


Stack is a type of linear list in which insertion and deletion of an element takes place at one end.  It’s basically work on the principle of LIFO.

Basic Operations on Stack

-  Push (Insertion)
-  Pop (Deletion)
-  Top (Returns topmost element of stack)
-  IsEmpty (Which returns TRUE if stack is empty)

Properties of Stack

-  Insertion or Deletion of new node can be performed at one side of list.
-  Top of stack points to last in element.
-  Stack is dynamic using linked list and static using array.
-  The indexing of particular element of stack depends on the basic list which we have use to implement it.


Guilherme  Silva
Guilherme Silva author of Defines stack and lists basic operations and properties of stack is from Salvador, Brazil.
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