


Resource TypePosted On
Change login password and associated attributes - passwdJan 27
Change User - suMay 27
menu driven shell program which have the options change the term, change the pro...Apr 28
Program to break all the cmos password stored in cmos batterySep 06
Password Creation ProgramJul 10
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Bi...Mar 09
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Fa...Dec 29
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Mo...Sep 15
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Ne...Jun 10
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Se...Apr 21
Program to read a Non Linear equation in one variable, then evaluate it using Si...Apr 04
Using the POSIX threads library, write a 2 thread program for Linux.Once the thr...May 14
Program to read a Non Linear Function, construct and display the Difference...Apr 04
Program to print a string char by char using constant pointers to non constant...Sep 18
Program to show an example of using a Non-Static Nested ClassSep 17
Program to generate SQUARE ROOT tableAug 03
program that takes a number from user and calculates its logarithm value to the ...Oct 22
Program to prepare Square Root Table Aug 15
Program to obtain roots of a quadratic equationDec 16
Program that takes a number from user and calculates its logarithm value to the ...Aug 03
Program to find the roots of an equation ax2 + bx + c = 0Nov 29
Program that takes a number from user and calculates its logarithm value to the ...Apr 14
Shell script to change extension of an existing file Oct 01
Change a permission of a fileMay 03
How to change permission of file as 644?Feb 26
Write a query to change the format of date using to_char functionMar 09
Write a query to change the case of strings using lower and upper functionJul 14
Program to inter change to number in each otherDec 09
Changing current directory - cdFeb 21
Update access, modification, and / or change times of file - touchJun 24
Change file mode access permission - chmodJul 11
Change file owner of group - chownFeb 03
Program to change characters in a StringBuffer objects and to reverse its...Aug 06
Program that changes an infix expression to a postfix expression accordingJan 23
How to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and C#Jan 27
How to change the Page Title in ASP.Net 1.1 and VB.NetJan 27
Shell script to display all users names, or users names of a particular group, o...Jun 19
Write a Script to Broadcast a message to a specified user when the user loged on...Nov 08
program that takes string and word from a user and displays substring including ...Mar 15
Program to read a Non Linear function in one variable, then evaluate it and dis...Jul 14
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using functionsOct 24
Program to illusrate data conversion user defined data types using constructorOct 16
Program that takes short date from a user and displays long date Oct 09
Program that takes short date from a user and displays medium dateFeb 17
Code for finding a no in a binary search tree and displaying its level where it ...Jul 01
Program that will read a token from a user and find its typeOct 04
An applet program to take user input and displayMar 18