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web services

  Asked By: John    Date: Apr 29    Category: Java    Views: 669

I'm writing a simple top-down web service. I have one java class that
has one method. I'm using xfire and Jboss to create the wsdl. I have
services.xml file that has the configuration for xfire.

if the method returns a simple return type (like a String) everything
is ok. and I can create the client side java classes from the wsdl and
use my web service from a fat client, But I need the method to return a
bean (object). The problem is that axis does not create the bean from
the wsdl.

I checked the wsdl and the complexType tag is there so I'm guessing it
should be fine. I think I need to add my bean to services.xml but I
don't know how.



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