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SQL Server - MySQL

  Asked By: Jesse    Date: Dec 06    Category: Java    Views: 542

what is the capacity of SQL Server 2000 and MySQL

also i want to know some advantages of SQL Server over MySQL.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jay Richards     Answered On: Dec 06

Capacity is beyond requirements of ordinary
user. If you want to do some commercial work
in large scale go for sql  server 2000 beyond
any doubt.

Answer #2    Answered By: Wade Jordan     Answered On: Dec 06

It is unlikely that SQL Server is going to work any better for you
than MySql. Capacity could perhaps only really become an issue when
you start storing image and video data and other large blobs.

If you have a lot of money you might want to look at Oracle with raw
partitions. I don't know if any other database systems can use a raw
harddrive partition directly without the filesystem in between. Anyone?

You should also consider PostgreSql, which allegedly performs better
under high load with high data quantities.

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