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setting up ddclient

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 384

A while back I set up a DynDNS account. I downloaded the ddclient and I
thought I set it up properly. Apparently not. The updater is not working.

Here is the link for the client.

I have my information in a text file located at /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf

Its a daemon that runs every 600 seconds.
Im still new enough that I do not understand exactly how LOTS of things
work. But, I know that if I type in sudo ddclient the client is supposed
to run until the computer turns off.

In my Syslog it says:
Nov 19 11:54:27 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
WARNING: Cannot create file '/var/run/ddclient.pid'. (Permission denied)

Nov 19 11:54:28 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
SUCCESS: updating wadesmart.homelinux.com: good: IP address set to

Nov 19 11:54:28 wadesmart ddclient[24065]:
FATAL: Cannot create file '/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache'. (No
such file or directory)

Nov 19 11:56:13 wadesmart ddclient[24158]:
WARNING: updating wadesmart.homelinux.com: nochg: No update required;
unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

Nov 19 11:56:13 wadesmart ddclient[24158]:
FATAL: Cannot create file '/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache'. (No
such file or directory)

AS I read this, the file ran one time and said my client is on the
correct address. But there is a problem with the cache and pid.

In the conf file it says:

and as I look in the /var/run folder I see the ddclient.pid file.

There is however now /var/cache/ddclient so I guess that is not created

Well, not knowing any better, I created the ddlcient file in that
location. But, I quickly discovered that the user and group isnt
correct. A little further research into figuring out user and group for
services lead me way deep into a hole of which I have no lite to see by.

So, if someone could help me with this, I would much appreciate it.



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