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Recipes program (or recipes to download)?

  Date: Nov 30    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 458

I just installed "Gourmet Recipe Manager" (from the Ubu Software Store) and it
looks like a neat program. However, there are no recipes. I entered a couple of
my own to test the program. I like it but I am not excited about manually
entering hundreds of recipes from hardcopies. Does anyone know of a source of
recipes that could be imported or maybe of another program that has a database
of recipes included? I am not a picky eater but I try to choose healthy meals.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 30    

You can save them from the web and import them in Gourmet. It handles xml
and text files plus several other formats. I gave up on this and instead
just print recipes in pdf form and then store them in Dropbox. Then I can
just look them up on my netbook by searching the folder in the file manager.

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