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how to read a file?

  Asked By: Violet    Date: Mar 29    Category: Java    Views: 719

I want to make an applet that will report
on the status of certain modules or product. Part of this applet will
also sort through an user given text file and assign the pertinent
information to those modules. The problem is the following....

As I understand it, Java applets cannot read a file from the users
or client machine. My possible workaround is to upload that file to
the server and then do the process in the server. Then return the
data bac to the client. How would I go about this. I know Java can't
read from the client side but is this true even if the client is the
one sending the info? Is there anther way for theclien to send a file
and have java proces thatfile somewhere else?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Heru Chalthoum     Answered On: Mar 29

why don't you think about swing as the client  side?...

Answer #2    Answered By: Murad Bashara     Answered On: Mar 29

> why don't you think about swing as the client  side?...
I don't understand. What is swing?

Answer #3    Answered By: Juan Reynolds     Answered On: Mar 29

sign your applet. that 's the only operation u need

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